Saints for Self-Reliance
Because it wasn't raining when Noah built the ark...

Sunday, November 6, 2011
New Beginnings and a Whole'lotta Changes!
Many of you know how much I love being a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I am firm in my faith, and as a result of the covenants I have made with my Heavenly Father, I know I can be with my family forever. I trust Him to guide me in the direction I should head, and for me, that direction is changing...
I have been released as the Provident Living Specialist in our ward, and--as a result--will no longer be in charge of the group buys, dry-pack canning nights, provident living classes, or other food-related adventures I have so lovingly organized in the past. I have been called to preside over the children in our ward, ages 18 months to 11 years, and their leaders. I am enthralled at the thought of this new endeavor, and grateful to the Lord for entrusting me with such a charge.
Bearing all that in mind, I have decided to pass the torch, and place the Saints for Self-Reliance blog in other hands.
Melissa and Ben Pistorious have been called as the new Provident Living Specialists. They are wonderful people, actively engaged in frugal living and self-reliance, and there is not a doubt in my mind that they are perfect for this assignment. I'm sure you will hear from them soon, but until then, know that you are in good hands and I plan on attending as many Provident Living activities as I can, so I can see them in action!
I love Provident Living. I'm so grateful for the countless friendships that have been established in my life as a direct result of this calling, and I will be eternally indebted for all the ways in which so many of you have come to my rescue and saved my hind end as I scrambled to get my wits about me.
Please don't hesitate to continue to email me with questions. I will still be around and still be very much involved in improving my self-reliance skill set.
Here's to a bright future, and full pantries!
Happy Prepping,
Laura Cherry
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
November Service Project
We have an opportunity to provide service to families in need this month. Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints all over the world were asked to give one official day of service in 2011 as a ward. Here is ours...
**Members of the LDS Church and non-members alike are invited to participate in this Service Project***
We will be working in cooperation with Food For Lane County at one of
their organic greenhouses.
November 12th
10:00am – 1:00pm
Grass Roots Garden
1465 Coburg Road
**Bring work gloves if
you have them**
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
October Dry-Pack Night
DRY-PACK DEADLINE is fast approaching! THIS Sunday, the 9th, is the
last day to sign up. We will be canning the following items:
Spaghetti - $5.00/can
Refried Beans - $5.00/can
Hot Cocoa Mix - $10.75/can
Dry Pack will be held Thursday, October 13th at 6:00pm.
Grange Association donates the building to us each month FOR FREE. To
say thank you, we have volunteered to clean the building the same night
as dry-pack. Even if you are not participating in canning this time, we
would appreciate any help possible to clean the grange Thursday evening.
The Grange Regional Conference is being held there on the following
Saturday, and it is imperative that we leave them with a sparkling clean
building to welcome their guests. Thank you in advance for your
This email has not been endorsed or produced by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints; it's content and the opinions expressed are those of the author.
Friday, September 16, 2011
Rocket Stove Group Buy
I am organizing a group buy for the following product: Rocket Stove by StoveTec.
Dr. Larry Winiarski, Mech. Eng. and Technical Director of Aprovecho Research Center, invented the "Rocket Stove" and established the "10 Design Principles for Wood Burning Stoves" in 1982. StoveTec offers an optimized rocket stove that burns as efficiently and as cleanly as possible.
There are two types of Rocket Stoves being sold:
- one-door stove - burns wood and biomass ("burnables" such as pine cones, corn husks, etc)
- two-door stove - burns wood and charcoal
There are three levels of quality to choose from in each category: economy, eco ceramic, and deluxe metal
Attached you will find the price sheet. Prices are based on how many units we order. There is a price break at 48 stoves and 96 stoves.
To sign up, please email/facebook/text me your name, telephone number, email address, type of stove, and how many you want.
EXAMPLE: Laura, this is Mickey Mouse. Email: Phone: 541-HAV-FUNN Stove: (1) Economy 1-door stove
Sign-up Deadline: OCTOBER 1st
Payment Deadline: OCTOBER 15th
For more information, or if you would like to speak with Todd, the owner of StoveTec:
StoveTec Stove Store
3400 Franklin Blvd
Eugene, OR 97403 USA
- Laura S. Cherry
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Do D Salsa
We love salsa. That's all there is to it. I'm afraid, however, that salsa is one of those things that just happens in the kitchen. We have never used a recipe. We gather tomatoes from the garden, we chop them all up, and we add the other ingredients relative to how many tomatoes we originally picked and chopped. I rely on D's innate ability to make incredible salsa rather than a recipe. His taste buds have never let me down!
So, despite the fact that the title of this post eludes to us making poop salsa, this is really D's salsa. When we have an abundance of fresh, juicy, slightly firm tomatoes taking over our counter tops, we "do D salsa."
Go ahead. Give it a little chuckle.
As I mentioned, the first step is gathering your base: tomatoes. Some people will tell you that you must use certain tomato breeds to make salsa.
Hog. Wash. Hogwash, I tell you.
If you have tomatoes in your garden, use them for salsa! Tada! Simple.
Chop up all the tomatoes you have and place them in a large pot.
Like so...
Now, start adding a few of your favorite things...
Like Anaheim Peppers... oh baby.
Anaheims are great for several reasons. They've for the flavor without the heat. If you like hot salsa, by all means, add things like jalapenos, habaneros, etc.
If you're like me, stick with these puppies.
And garlic. Lots and lots of garlic.
Your garlic will not be this beautiful. That is because you do not have a Kathy Awbrey in your life bringing you boxes of elephant garlic to show you how much she loves you. These babies were grown in Oregon soil not ten miles from here. They were cured on our rooftop. You don't get garlic better than this.
Some other essential "sidekicks" for great salsa include: onions and cilantro.
You can't have salsa without the cilantro taste. It's wrong.
Dice it all up, mix it all together, plant your nose deep down in the pot, and inhale.
Some other things to add include: salt, garlic salt, canned green chilis, cucumbers...
Get creative.
Add about a half a cup of lemon or lime juice to act as a preservative, and bring the salsa to a boil in this big pot. Then simmer for about ten minutes.
Ladle your salsa into hot jars, put a lid and band on, and process in a water-bath canner for 25 minutes.
And pray that you can't fit all of your salsa into jars. Hope that there is some extra that must be eaten right away.
Grab your bag of Juanita's tortilla chips (since they're the best chips on the face of the planet!) and dig in.
After your salsa is done processing, set the jars on the counter and wait for that glorious and very familiar "ping" of success. Then hide these bad boys in a dark cupboard somewhere so no one knows they exist!!
Sunday, September 4, 2011
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